Odontomachus latidens

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The Odontomachus latidens is a polygynous ant species with colonies of up to 500 individuals. They have a medium development rate and the queen measures 10-12mm while workers measure 9-11mm. They have a black and maroon body with maroon legs. Their diet consists of food insects and sweet fruit. They require a humidity level of 60-70% in the arena and 60-80% in the nest.

 425.70 517.90

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Odontomachus latidens (2-3% keyword density)

Тип колонії: Полігінія

Розмір колонії: До 500 робітників

Швидкість розвитку: Середній


  • Королева: 10-12 мм
  • Робітники: 9-11mm

колір: Head and body are black and maroon, legs are maroon

харчування: Food insects (cockroaches, crickets), sweet fruit


  • Arena: 60-70%
  • Nest: 60-80%


  • Arena: 21-30 °C
  • Гніздо: 24-28 °C

Особливості виду:

The Odontomachus latidens is a remarkable ant species with unique characteristics. One of their notable features is their well-developed sting. However, their most impressive attribute lies in their jaws. These ants have the fastest reflexes in nature, as their mandibles can accelerate from 0 km/h to 230 km/h in just 0.13 milliseconds. This incredible jaw speed allows them to catch prey efficiently and prevent their escape. With jaws that can open up to 180 degrees, they are formidable hunters in the insect world.

Рекомендовані гнізда для розведення:

If you’re considering breeding Odontomachus latidens, it’s important to provide them with suitable nesting options. The following nest materials are recommended:

Now, let’s explore the details of this fascinating Odontomachus latidens ant species.

Тип колонії: полігінія

The Odontomachus latidens colonies are characterized by polygyny, which means they feature multiple queens. Polygyny is advantageous for these ants as it allows for increased reproductive potential and division of labor within the colony. With multiple queens, the colony can expand more rapidly and maintain a higher productivity level.

Розмір колонії:

The size of an Odontomachus latidens colony can range up to 500 workers. These workers are responsible for various tasks, including foraging, nest maintenance, and brood care. The large colony size ensures the efficient execution of these tasks, contributing to the overall success and survival of the colony.

Швидкість розвитку:

Odontomachus latidens has a medium development rate. This means that the time from egg to adult ant is relatively moderate compared to other species. The medium development rate ensures that the colony can replenish its worker force and expand when necessary.


When it comes to size, the queen Odontomachus latidens measures between 10-12mm, while the workers range from 9-11mm. These ants have a distinct coloration, with their head and body being black and maroon, and their legs having a maroon hue. Their size and coloration make them visually striking and distinguishable from other ant species.


Odontomachus latidens sustains itself through a varied diet. They primarily feed on food insects such as cockroaches and crickets. Additionally, they have a preference for sweet fruit. This diverse nutrition ensures that the ants receive the necessary nutrients to thrive and maintain the overall health of the colony.


Appropriate humidity levels are vital for the well-being of an Odontomachus latidens colony. In the arena area, a humidity range of 60-70% is recommended. Within their nest, a slightly higher humidity level of 60-80% is preferred. Maintaining the appropriate humidity levels ensures a suitable environment for the ants to thrive and carry out their daily activities.


The temperature is another crucial factor for the successful development of Odontomachus latidens. In the arena area, maintaining a temperature range of 21-30 °C is ideal. Within their nest, a slightly narrower range of 24-28 °C is preferred. Maintaining these temperature ranges ensures optimal conditions for their activities, including brood rearing and foraging.

Особливості виду:

The Odontomachus latidens is truly a remarkable species due to its unique characteristics. With highly developed jaws, they possess the fastest reflexes in nature. These jaw movements allow them to catch prey with precision and prevent their escape. The ability of their mandibles to open up to 180 degrees further enhances their hunting efficiency. These features make them one of the most formidable hunters in the insect kingdom.

Рекомендовані гнізда для розведення:

Якщо ви розглядаєте розведення Odontomachus latidens, it is crucial to provide suitable nesting options. The following materials are recommended for their nests:

  • Акрилові: Acrylic nests offer excellent visibility and durability. Their transparent nature enables better observation of the ants’ activities.
  • пробка: Cork nests provide a natural and organic feel to the ants’ environment. They are also great at maintaining stable humidity levels.
  • штукатурка: Plaster nests are easy to mold and can be customized to meet the specific needs of the colony. They also retain moisture, contributing to a suitable nesting environment.
  • Газобетон: Aerated concrete nests provide excellent insulation and moisture retention. The porous nature of the material allows for better temperature and humidity regulation.

By selecting one of these recommended nest options, you can create an ideal breeding environment for your Odontomachus latidens колонія.

На закінчення, Odontomachus latidens is a captivating ant species known for its impressive hunting abilities and striking appearance. With features such as their highly developed sting and lightning-fast jaws, these ants are unique and fascinating creatures. By providing them with suitable habitats, a nutritious diet, and optimal environmental conditions, you can ensure the well-being and success of your Odontomachus latidens колонія.

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