Aphaenogaster feae

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The Aphaenogaster feae is a monogynous ant species with colonies consisting of several thousand workers. They have a medium development speed and come in sizes ranging from 7-9mm for the queen and 3-5.5mm for workers. They are brown in color and their nutrition consists of food insects, syrup, fruits, vegetables, jelly, and cooked chicken without salt.


Shipping and returns

We give a 100% guarantee for the delivery of a live queen and colony to the client. You can read more about guarantees on the Guarantees page.

Product care

The most important thing is that you read the temperature conditions, moisture and what to feed the ants. It is important not to introduce too small a colony into a large formicarium, much less just one queen. It’s good if the formicarium is divided by partitions and if the first chamber is very small (such as in our Comfort formicarium). We recommend reading more information about keeping ants in our blogs!

Product details

Difficulty in breeding



The size of ants



Aphaenogaster feae: Discover the Fascinating World of These Ants

Welcome to the world of Aphaenogaster feae, an incredible species of ants known for their fascinating characteristics and behavior. In this detailed product description, we will explore the various features and benefits of Aphaenogaster feae, including their colony type, size, development speed, nutrition, humidity and temperature requirements, and recommended nests for breeding. Get ready to dive into the captivating world of Aphaenogaster feae!

Colony Type

  • Monogyny: Aphaenogaster feae colonies consist of a single queen.

Colony Size

  • Several Thousand Workers: These industrious ants thrive in colonies that can comprise several thousand workers, making them a highly efficient and productive species.

Development Speed

  • Medium: Aphaenogaster feae has a moderate development speed, allowing you to observe and appreciate their growth and activities over time.


  • Queen: The queen Aphaenogaster feae measures around 7-9mm in size, highlighting her importance and significance within the colony.
  • Workers: The workers of Aphaenogaster feae range from 3-5.5mm, displaying their varied sizes and roles within the colony hierarchy.
  • Color: Aphaenogaster feae ants are predominantly brown in color, which adds to their natural beauty and distinguished appearance.


Proper nutrition is essential for the health and wellbeing of Aphaenogaster feae ants. Their diet includes a variety of food sources, including:

  • Food Insects: Cockroaches and crickets are important sources of protein for Aphaenogaster feae ants, providing them with the required energy and nourishment.
  • Syrup: A mixture of water and honey in a ratio of 4:1 or 3:1 serves as a vital carbohydrate source, ensuring the ants have ample fuel for their daily activities.
  • Fruits and Vegetables: Offering a diverse range of fruits and vegetables allows Aphaenogaster feae ants to acquire essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Jelly: Providing jelly as a treat for Aphaenogaster feae not only serves as an enjoyable snack but also contributes to their overall nutritional needs.
  • Cooked Chicken: Aphaenogaster feae ants can benefit from cooked chicken without salt, which acts as an additional protein source for their growth and development.

Humidity and Temperature Requirements

Aphaenogaster feae have specific requirements when it comes to humidity and temperature to create an ideal living environment for them. These requirements include:

  • Arena Humidity: Maintaining a humidity level of 30-50% in the arena area of their habitat ensures the ants can thrive and remain comfortable.
  • Nest Humidity: Aphaenogaster feae prefer a slightly higher humidity level of 50-70% within their nest, allowing them to create suitable conditions for brood development and overall colony health.
  • Arena Temperature: The arena temperature should range between 20-28°C, providing a warm and favorable climate for the ants to engage in their daily activities.
  • Nest Temperature: Aphaenogaster feae prefer a slightly lower temperature range of 21-26°C within their nest, ensuring a stable and optimal environment for the queen and the colony as a whole.

Recommended Nests for Breeding

Aphaenogaster feae thrive in a variety of nest options. Below are some recommended nest materials:

  • Acrylic: Nest setups made of acrylic provide a transparent and visually appealing view of the colony, allowing you to observe and appreciate their behavior and activities.
  • Cork: Cork nests provide a natural and eco-friendly housing option for Aphaenogaster feae, replicating their natural habitat and providing a safe and comfortable space for the ants.
  • Plaster: Plaster nests offer a more customizable and easily maintainable environment for Aphaenogaster feae, allowing you to create intricate tunnel systems that cater specifically to their needs.
  • Aerated Concrete: Nests made of aerated concrete provide excellent insulation and durability, ensuring the long-term stability and comfort of the colony.

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of Aphaenogaster feae and their various characteristics and requirements, you can confidently embark on the journey of raising and observing these magnificent ants. Explore the world of Aphaenogaster feae and witness their captivating behaviors and interactions, creating a truly mesmerizing experience for ant enthusiasts and nature lovers alike!

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