Brachymyrmex laevis

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Brachymyrmex laevis is a polygynous ant species with colonies consisting of several thousand individuals. They have a fast development speed and are brown-black in color. Their diet consists of insect food, syrup, fruit, vegetables, jelly, and cooked chicken without salt. Queens measure 3-5mm in size, while workers are 1-2mm in size.


Shipping and returns

We give a 100% guarantee for the delivery of a live queen and colony to the client. You can read more about guarantees on the Guarantees page.

Product care

The most important thing is that you read the temperature conditions, moisture and what to feed the ants. It is important not to introduce too small a colony into a large formicarium, much less just one queen. It’s good if the formicarium is divided by partitions and if the first chamber is very small (such as in our Comfort formicarium). We recommend reading more information about keeping ants in our blogs!

Product details

Difficulty in breeding



The size of ants



Brachymyrmex laevis: Tiny Ants with Big Colonies

Looking for a fascinating and low-maintenance ant species to add to your collection? Look no further than Brachymyrmex laevis! These tiny ants may be small in size, but they are known for their ability to form large colonies with multiple queens. In this product description, we will explore the various features and benefits of owning Brachymyrmex laevis, from their fast development speed to their preferred nutrition and nesting options.

Main Keyword: Brachymyrmex laevis (2-3% keyword density)

Colony Type and Size

Brachymyrmex laevis belongs to the polygyny colony type, which means they have several queens within a single colony. This unique characteristic allows these ants to rapidly grow their numbers, making them an excellent choice for ant enthusiasts who wish to observe a thriving ant community. With colony sizes ranging from several thousand individuals, Brachymyrmex laevis colonies can provide hours of entertainment and insight into the social dynamics of ant life.

Development Speed

For those who desire a species with quick growth and development, Brachymyrmex laevis fits the bill. These ants have a fast development speed, meaning you can observe their progression from egg to adult in a relatively short period. This characteristic ensures that your colony will constantly evolve, providing you with a dynamic and ever-changing ant community to observe and enjoy.

Size and Coloration

Brachymyrmex laevis ants come in two main categories: queens and workers. The queen ants measure between 3-5mm in length, providing a larger and more prominent member for your colony. On the other hand, the worker ants are smaller, measuring only 1-2mm in length. Their small size doesn’t diminish their significance; rather, it adds to the uniqueness and charm of these diminutive insects. Brachymyrmex laevis ants are commonly brown-black in color, which adds a visually appealing element to your ant setup.


In order to ensure the health and wellbeing of your Brachymyrmex laevis colony, it is important to provide them with a well-rounded and nutritious diet. These ants thrive on a variety of foods, including:

  • Insect food: Cockroaches and crickets provide a protein-rich meal for the ants and can be offered as occasional treats.
  • Syrup: A mixture of water and honey in various ratios (such as 4:1, 3:1, or 2:1) can serve as a sweet and energy-rich option for the ants.
  • Fruits and vegetables: Offer a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to supplement their diet with essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Jelly: Ant-safe jelly is a fun and delicious treat that can be added to the feeding routine.
  • Cooked chicken without salt: As a source of protein, cooked chicken without salt can be provided to the ants as an occasional protein boost.

By diversifying their diet and offering a mix of these foods, you can ensure that your Brachymyrmex laevis colony receives all the necessary nutrients for optimal growth and development.

Humidity and Temperature

Creating the right environmental conditions is crucial for the well-being of your Brachymyrmex laevis colony. These ants thrive in specific humidity and temperature ranges:

  • Arena humidity: Maintain an arena humidity level between 60-80% to create an environment where the ants can thrive.
  • Nest humidity: Keep the humidity in the nest area between 50-70% to provide a suitable living space for the ants.
  • Arena temperature: Maintain a temperature range of 25-35°C in the arena to ensure the ants’ comfort and activity.
  • Nest temperature: Keep the nest temperature between 22-26°C, creating a stable and pleasant environment for the ants to thrive.

By monitoring and regulating the humidity and temperature levels, you can create an optimal environment for your Brachymyrmex laevis colony, ensuring their well-being and overall health.

Species Features and Preferred Nests

One of the standout features of Brachymyrmex laevis is their small size, which contrasts with their ability to form large colonies with multiple queens. This unique combination makes them fascinating subjects for ant enthusiasts and collectors. To accommodate the specific needs and behaviors of Brachymyrmex laevis, it is recommended to provide them with nests made of acrylic, cork, gypsum, or aerated concrete. These nest materials mimic their natural habitat and provide them with a safe and comfortable space to establish their colony.

In conclusion, Brachymyrmex laevis is an intriguing and captivating species of ants that offers a unique addition to any ant collection. From their polygyny colony type and fast development speed to their small size and preferred nutrition, there are numerous reasons to consider adding Brachymyrmex laevis to your ant setup. Their ability to form large colonies with multiple queens and their diverse diet make them a fascinating species to study and observe. By creating the right environmental conditions and providing suitable nests, you can ensure the well-being and thriving growth of your Brachymyrmex laevis colony. So why wait? Start your ant-keeping adventure with Brachymyrmex laevis today and unlock the wonders of the ant world.

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