Camponotus arnoldinus

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Camponotus arnoldinus is a species of ant that has a monogyny colony type and can have a colony size of up to 5000 workers. They have a fast development speed and come in various sizes and colors. Their nutrition consists of food insects, syrup, fruit, and vegetables.


Shipping and returns

We give a 100% guarantee for the delivery of a live queen and colony to the client. You can read more about guarantees on the Guarantees page.

Product care

The most important thing is that you read the temperature conditions, moisture and what to feed the ants. It is important not to introduce too small a colony into a large formicarium, much less just one queen. It’s good if the formicarium is divided by partitions and if the first chamber is very small (such as in our Comfort formicarium). We recommend reading more information about keeping ants in our blogs!

Product details

Difficulty in breeding



The size of ants



Camponotus Arnoldinus: Fascinating Ants for Enthusiasts

The Camponotus Arnoldinus is a captivating species of ant that belongs to the monogyny colony type. These ants are known for their impressive colony size, with populations reaching up to 5000 workers. They are fast developers, making them an excellent choice for ant enthusiasts looking for an exciting and dynamic species to observe.

Size of Camponotus Arnoldinus Ants

  • Queen: 15 – 18 mm
  • Workers: 8 – 12 mm
  • Major: 10 – 16 mm

Camponotus Arnoldinus ants come in a variety of colors, with a yellow-brown body and a black top on the queen. The bottom of the ants is yellow, giving them a unique and striking appearance.

Nutrition Requirements

When it comes to their diet, Camponotus Arnoldinus ants have diverse preferences. They primarily feed on food insects like cockroaches and crickets, providing them with the necessary protein for their development. Additionally, they enjoy a variety of other food sources including syrup (water/honey with a ratio of 4:1/3:1/2:1), fruits, vegetables, jelly, and cooked chicken without salt. Providing a balanced and varied diet is crucial to keeping these ants healthy and thriving.

Ideal Humidity and Temperature Conditions

Creating the ideal environment for Camponotus Arnoldinus ants is essential for their well-being. Maintaining proper humidity levels is crucial, with the arena requiring a humidity range of 30-50% and the nest needing a humidity range of 50-60%. These ants also have specific temperature requirements, with the arena temperature ranging from 21-35 °C and the nest temperature ranging from 24-28 °C. Keeping these factors in mind will ensure the optimum conditions for their growth and development.

Recommended Nests for Breeding

When it comes to choosing the right nest for breeding, it is important to consider the material. Camponotus Arnoldinus ants thrive in nests made of acrylic, gypsum, and aerated concrete. These materials provide the necessary durability and stability for their growing colony.

In conclusion, the Camponotus Arnoldinus is a captivating species of ant that offers enthusiasts a fascinating window into the world of these incredible insects. With their large colony size, fast development, and unique coloration, they make for an engaging and visually striking addition to any ant colony collection. Providing them with the right nutrition, humidity, and temperature, as well as selecting suitable nests for breeding, will ensure that these ants thrive and flourish under your care.

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