Camponotus wytsmani

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Camponotus wytsmani, a beautifully colored ant species, is the perfect addition to your ant farm. This product description explores their colony type, size, development speed, nutrition, and recommended nests for breeding to provide a unique and fascinating experience.

 539.90 569.90

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We give a 100% guarantee for the delivery of a live queen and colony to the client. You can read more about guarantees on the Guarantees page.

Product care

The most important thing is that you read the temperature conditions, moisture and what to feed the ants. It is important not to introduce too small a colony into a large formicarium, much less just one queen. It’s good if the formicarium is divided by partitions and if the first chamber is very small (such as in our Comfort formicarium). We recommend reading more information about keeping ants in our blogs!

Product details

Difficulty in breeding



The size of ants



Camponotus wytsmani: A Unique and Visually Striking Ant Species for Your Ant Farm

If you’re looking to add a unique and visually striking ant species to your ant farm, look no further than Camponotus wytsmani. These ants are known for their vibrant reddish-brown bodies and contrasting dark-colored heads and abdomens, making them a visually captivating species to observe.

Fast Development Speed for Exciting Colony Growth

One of the key advantages of Camponotus wytsmani is their relatively fast development speed compared to other ant species. The queens of this species are capable of producing a large number of eggs, which hatch into larvae within just a few weeks. These larvae go through several molting stages before transforming into pupae. In approximately one month, the pupae emerge as adult workers, ready to contribute to the colony.

This fast development speed adds an element of excitement and constant change to your ant farm. You’ll be able to witness the growth and expansion of the colony within a shorter period of time, as new workers continuously join the workforce.

Balanced and Nutritious Diet for Optimal Health

To ensure the health and well-being of your Camponotus wytsmani colony, it is crucial to provide them with a balanced and nutritious diet. These ants are omnivorous, meaning they consume a variety of foods.

A proper diet for Camponotus wytsmani should consist of a combination of protein and carbohydrates. Protein sources can include small insects like fruit flies, mealworms, or even ants from other colonies. Carbohydrate sources can range from sugar water to honey or nectar.

By offering a diverse range of food options that mimic their natural foraging patterns, you can promote good health and development within your Camponotus wytsmani colony.

Ideal Nest Conditions for Thriving Camponotus wytsmani

When selecting a nest for your Camponotus wytsmani ants, it is important to consider their specific needs. These ants prefer nests with a combination of dry and moist areas, as they require humidity to thrive.

An ideal nest setup for Camponotus wytsmani should include both a dry chamber and a moist chamber. The dry chamber provides a place for the ants to store food and raise their brood, while the moist chamber helps maintain the necessary humidity levels.

A popular choice for Camponotus wytsmani nests is a formicarium. Formicariums are specially designed ant habitats that incorporate different chambers, tunnels, and areas for easy observation and maintenance. They typically include options for both dry and moist areas, allowing ant farm owners to create an environment that closely resembles the natural habitat of Camponotus wytsmani.

In Conclusion – A Rewarding Species for Ant Enthusiasts

In summary, Camponotus wytsmani is a unique and visually appealing addition to any ant farm. With their beautiful coloring and fascinating behavior, they provide hours of observation and enjoyment for ant enthusiasts. Their monogynous colony type ensures a peaceful and stable environment, while their various sizes and specialized roles add depth and diversity to the colony. With a relatively fast development speed, balanced diet requirements, and specific nest preferences, Camponotus wytsmani are a rewarding species to care for and observe in an ant farm.

So why wait? Start your Camponotus wytsmani collection today and embark on a captivating ant-keeping journey like no other. For more information on ants and ant farms, visit our ant category on

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