Cataulacus horridus

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The captivating ant species, Cataulacus horridus, is loved by ant-keepers for its unique characteristics and interesting behaviors. With the ability to thrive in polygynous colonies, this species amazes enthusiasts with its harmonious coexistence of multiple queens. Discover the allure of Cataulacus horridus and its intriguing social structure.


Shipping and returns

We give a 100% guarantee for the delivery of a live queen and colony to the client. You can read more about guarantees on the Guarantees page.

Product care

The most important thing is that you read the temperature conditions, moisture and what to feed the ants. It is important not to introduce too small a colony into a large formicarium, much less just one queen. It’s good if the formicarium is divided by partitions and if the first chamber is very small (such as in our Comfort formicarium). We recommend reading more information about keeping ants in our blogs!

Product details

Difficulty in breeding



The size of ants



Cataulacus horridus: A Fascinating Ant Species for Ant-Keeping Enthusiasts

Cataulacus horridus is a highly sought-after ant species among ant-keeping hobbyists. Its unique polygynous social structure, diligent behavior, and impressive nest-building skills make it a captivating species to observe and study. This ant species, native to tropical and subtropical regions, primarily in Africa, adapts well to different environments and can be found in both ground-dwelling and arboreal colonies.

**Polygynous Social Structure**

One of the most fascinating characteristics of Cataulacus horridus is its polygynous social structure. Unlike many other ant species, this means that multiple queens coexist within a single colony, working together harmoniously. This unique arrangement allows for a higher rate of egg production, contributing to the rapid growth and expansion of the colony. The adaptability of Cataulacus horridus to this social structure sets it apart from other ant species.

**Diligent and Organized Behavior**

The workers of Cataulacus horridus are known for their diligent and organized behavior. They work tirelessly to maintain and expand their nest, forage for food, and take care of the brood. These ants exhibit remarkable communication skills, using pheromones to coordinate their activities and navigate their surroundings. Observing their intricate behavior can provide valuable insight into the complexities of ant colonies.

**Skilled Nest Builders**

Cataulacus horridus showcases impressive nest-building skills. Using a combination of soil, twigs, leaves, and other organic materials, these ants construct intricate nests both on the ground and in trees. Within the nests, they create chambers for various purposes, including brood rearing, food storage, and the protection of the queen. This complex architecture ensures the colony’s survival and facilitates efficient division of labor among the workers.

**Fascinating Reproductive System and Life Cycle**

The reproductive system of Cataulacus horridus is truly unique and fascinating. Multiple queens live harmoniously within the same colony, each capable of laying eggs. This polygynous arrangement increases egg production, fostering the colony’s rapid growth and expansion. The life cycle of Cataulacus horridus follows the typical pattern of ant development, with eggs hatching into larvae, undergoing growth stages, pupating, and eventually emerging as fully developed adult ants. The workers play a crucial role in caring for the brood and maintaining the nest’s integrity.

**Suitable Habitat and Ethical Consideration**

Cataulacus horridus thrives in tropical and subtropical regions, such as forests, woodlands, and savannahs, where there are ample food sources and adequate shelter. When keeping Cataulacus horridus as pets, it is important to provide them with a suitable habitat, proper nutrition, and regular care to ensure their well-being. However, it is crucial to approach acquiring and keeping these ants ethically and responsibly, ensuring no harm is caused to wild populations. It is always advised to consider the conservation and preservation of these ants in their natural habitats.

**Fascinating Ants That Deserve Care and Respect**

In conclusion, Cataulacus horridus is a truly remarkable ant species that captivates the hearts of ant enthusiasts. Their polygynous social structure, impressive colony size, diligent behavior, and unique nest-building skills make them a highly sought-after species among ant-keeping hobbyists. However, it is important to approach keeping Cataulacus horridus with care, responsibility, and ethical considerations to ensure their well-being and conservation in their natural habitats. By understanding and appreciating these ants, we can continue to enjoy their fascinating behavior and contribute to their preservation and understanding in the ant-keeping community. For other fascinating ant species, explore our collection at [](

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