Daceton armigerum

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Daceton armigerum ants are small, orange-colored ants with a unique head and body structure. They form monogynous colonies with a single queen and have a moderate development speed. These ants typically nest in tree holes and can grow into colonies of up to 2000 individuals.


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Product care

The most important thing is that you read the temperature conditions, moisture and what to feed the ants. It is important not to introduce too small a colony into a large formicarium, much less just one queen. It’s good if the formicarium is divided by partitions and if the first chamber is very small (such as in our Comfort formicarium). We recommend reading more information about keeping ants in our blogs!

Product details

Difficulty in breeding



The size of ants




Daceton armigerum ants are fascinating creatures that thrive in specific environments. They are primarily found in forest areas, where they prefer to reside in trees. These ants take advantage of existing holes and crevices created by other insects to establish their nests. It is important to note that Daceton armigerum ants prefer humid environments, with humidity levels in their foraging area maintained between 50-70%. Inside the nests, a higher humidity level of 60-80% is preferred. Additionally, these ants require a foraging area with a temperature range of 21-35 °C, while the nests should maintain a temperature range of 23-27 °C. Maintaining and regulating these conditions is crucial to provide the ideal habitat for Daceton armigerum ants.

Colony Structure

A Daceton armigerum colony consists of three main castes: the queen, workers, and males. The queen is the largest member of the colony, measuring around 7-10 mm in length. The workers are smaller, ranging from 4-7 mm in length. The population of males in the colony is limited. The queen is responsible for laying eggs, ensuring the survival and growth of the colony. The workers have various responsibilities such as foraging for food, caring for the brood, and maintaining the nest. Males’ primary role is to mate with queen ants from other colonies.

Food and Nutrition

Daceton armigerum ants have a diverse diet, primarily consisting of insects such as cockroaches and crickets. They are highly skilled hunters, using their sharp mandibles to capture and subdue their prey. These ants also consume fruits and jelly as a supplementary source of nutrition. To ensure the health and well-being of a Daceton armigerum colony, it is vital to provide them with a varied diet. This can be achieved by offering a combination of live insects and commercially available ant food products. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and specially formulated jelly can also be provided as treats for these fascinating creatures.

Characteristics and Appearance

Daceton armigerum ants have a visually distinct appearance that sets them apart from other ant species. Their bodies are predominantly orange, with darker shades on their head and abdomen. The workers and queen ants have a slender and elongated body shape, while the males are larger and more robust. These ants possess unique head and body structures, including long and slender mandibles used for capturing prey. Their antennae are also long and gracefully move as they navigate their surroundings.

Recommended Nests and Enclosures

To provide the best possible living conditions for Daceton armigerum ants, it is recommended to replicate their natural habitat within an enclosure. This can be achieved by offering nest options that mimic the holes and crevices found in trees. Providing pre-existing holes left by other insects or utilizing artificial nest structures can be beneficial for these ants. When selecting an enclosure, it is important to choose one that provides sufficient space for the colony to grow. A terrarium or an acrylic formicarium with ample space for the ants to forage, nest, and expand their population is recommended. The enclosure should also have removable sections or access points for easy maintenance and observation.

Maintenance and Care

Regular monitoring and adjustments are necessary to maintain the ideal conditions for Daceton armigerum ants. Here are some key aspects to consider when caring for these ants:

1. Humidity: Regularly check and adjust the humidity levels in both the foraging area and the nest. Misting the enclosure with water or using a humidifier can help maintain the desired humidity range.

2. Temperature: Monitor the temperature inside the enclosure and ensure it remains within the recommended range. Provide heat sources or cooling elements if necessary to regulate the temperature.

3. Feeding: Offer a diverse diet for the ants, including live insects, commercial ant food, fresh fruits, and specially formulated jelly. Ensure a constant supply of food and remove any uneaten items to maintain cleanliness.

4. Nest Maintenance: Regularly inspect the nest for any signs of damage or mold. Clean the nest area if necessary and provide fresh nesting materials.

Observing and Interacting with Daceton armigerum Ants

Daceton armigerum ants are captivating creatures to observe and interact with. Their unique appearance and behaviors make them an interesting addition to any ant-keeping hobbyist’s collection. Spending time watching these ants navigate their environment, forage for food, and care for their brood can be both educational and enjoyable.

To observe these ants more closely, consider setting up a feeding station inside the enclosure. This can be done by placing a small container filled with food within the foraging area. Watching the ants discover and interact with the food can provide valuable insights into their behavior and social structure.

It is crucial to note that while these ants can be fascinating to observe, they are best suited for experienced ant keepers. Providing the ideal conditions and maintaining the delicate balance of their habitat requires careful attention and knowledge.

In conclusion, Daceton armigerum ants are visually captivating and unique species. By replicating their natural habitat and meeting their specific needs for nutrition, humidity, and temperature, these ants can thrive and provide endless fascination and enjoyment to ant enthusiasts.

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