Messor minor hesperius bicolor

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Messor minor hesperius bicolor is a medium-sized ant colony of monogyny with a population of around 10,000 individuals. The ants have a red head and back with a dark body. They feed on insect food like cockroaches and crickets, as well as seeds. The ants require a humidity level of 30-50% in the arena and 50-70% in the nest.


Shipping and returns

We give a 100% guarantee for the delivery of a live queen and colony to the client. You can read more about guarantees on the Guarantees page.

Product care

The most important thing is that you read the temperature conditions, moisture and what to feed the ants. It is important not to introduce too small a colony into a large formicarium, much less just one queen. It’s good if the formicarium is divided by partitions and if the first chamber is very small (such as in our Comfort formicarium). We recommend reading more information about keeping ants in our blogs!

Product details

Difficulty in breeding



The size of ants



Messor minor hesperius bicolor

Are you a passionate ant keeper looking for a fascinating and unique species to add to your collection? Look no further than Messor minor hesperius bicolor! This incredible ant species boasts impressive characteristics and offers a rewarding experience for ant enthusiasts of all levels.

Colony Type and Size

Messor minor hesperius bicolor is a monogynous ant species, meaning they have a single queen in their colonies. With a colony size of up to 10,000 workers, these ants create a bustling society that will captivate any observer. Witness their impressive teamwork and division of labor as they work together to build and expand their colony.

Development Speed

When it comes to development speed, Messor minor hesperius bicolor falls into the medium category. This means that you can witness their growth and progress at a reasonable pace, without long waiting periods. *Follow the link* to learn more about ant development speed.

Size and Color

Let’s talk about the size and appearance of these extraordinary ants. The queen of Messor minor hesperius bicolor measures an impressive 10-13 mm, while the workers range in size from 4-9 mm. Their coloration is equally striking, with a red head and back, contrasting with a dark body. You will be mesmerized by their unique and beautiful appearance.


Feeding Messor minor hesperius bicolor is a simple and rewarding task. They thrive on a diet of insect food, such as cockroaches and crickets. Additionally, providing them with a variety of seeds ensures they have a balanced and nutritious diet. Watching them search for and carry food back to the colony is a fascinating sight. *Find suitable insect and seed food options* here.

Humidity and Temperature Requirements

Creating the optimal environment for your Messor minor hesperius bicolor colony is key to their well-being. In terms of humidity, maintaining levels of 30-50% in the arena and 50-70% in the nest is crucial. As for temperature, provide your ants with an arena temperature of 25-30°C and a nest temperature of 21-26°C. These conditions will keep your ants comfortable and allow them to thrive. *Learn more about ant habitat requirements* on our website.

Species Feature

Messor minor hesperius bicolor displays a unique characteristic in that their polymorphism is not as pronounced as in Messor structor. They are primarily found in the Canary Islands, adding to their intrigue and rarity. Adding them to your ant collection will certainly make you stand out among fellow ant keepers.

Recommended Nests for Breeding

When it comes to creating an ideal living space for your Messor minor hesperius bicolor colony, certain nest materials are highly recommended. Acrylic, cork, gypsum, and aerated concrete nests provide the ideal conditions for these ants to establish their colony and thrive. Choose one of these suitable options to ensure the comfort and success of your ant colony. *Browse our selection of recommended nests* to find the perfect fit for your Messor minor hesperius bicolor ants.

In summary, Messor minor hesperius bicolor is an exceptional ant species that offers a rewarding and captivating experience for ant keepers. From their unique appearance and monogynous colony structure to their dietary needs and recommended nest materials, caring for these ants is both educational and enjoyable. Enhance your ant collection with the addition of Messor minor hesperius bicolor and witness the wonders of their fascinating ant society. *Visit our ant category* to explore more ant species and products.

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