Monomorium subopacum

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Monomorium subopacum is a polygynous ant species with a colony size of 100,000 workers. They have a fast development speed and the queen measures 5-6 mm while the workers measure 2-3 mm. They are brown in color and their diet consists of food insects, fruit, vegetables, and syrup. They require humidity levels of 30-50% in the arena and 50-70% in the nest, with a temperature range of 24-30°C.

 84.90 269.90

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We give a 100% guarantee for the delivery of a live queen and colony to the client. You can read more about guarantees on the Guarantees page.

Product care

The most important thing is that you read the temperature conditions, moisture and what to feed the ants. It is important not to introduce too small a colony into a large formicarium, much less just one queen. It’s good if the formicarium is divided by partitions and if the first chamber is very small (such as in our Comfort formicarium). We recommend reading more information about keeping ants in our blogs!

Product details

Difficulty in breeding



The size of ants


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Monomorium subopacum: The Dormant Hunters

Colony type: Polygyny

Colony size: 100,000 workers

Development speed: Fast


  • Queen: 5 – 6 mm
  • Workers: 2-3 mm

Color: Brown


Monomorium subopacum thrives on a varied diet including:

  • Food insects (cockroaches, crickets)
  • Fruit
  • Vegetables
  • Syrup

Environmental Requirements:


  • Arena: 30 – 50%
  • Nest: 50 – 70%


  • Arena: 24 – 30 °C
  • Nest: 22 – 26 °C

Species Features:

Monomorium subopacum is characterized by its aggressiveness as the colony develops and its incomparable hunting abilities.

Recommended Nests for Breeding:

For the optimal breeding conditions of Monomorium subopacum, we recommend using nests made of:

  • Acrylic
  • Cork
  • Plaster
  • Aerated concrete

Monomorium subopacum, commonly known as the Dormant Hunters, is an intriguing and fascinating species of ants. In this product description, we will delve deeper into the unique characteristics and care requirements of these ants.

Colony Characteristics

Monomorium subopacum is a polygynous species, meaning it has multiple queens within a single colony. This type of social structure allows for a higher number of workers, which can reach an impressive count of 100,000 individuals. With their fast development speed, these ants are capable of establishing large and thriving colonies in relatively short periods of time.

Physical Attributes

The size of Monomorium subopacum varies among its castes. The queen, responsible for reproduction and colony growth, typically measures between 5 and 6 mm in length. On the other hand, the workers, responsible for various tasks within the colony, are smaller, ranging from 2 to 3 mm. Their coloration is predominantly brown, giving them a discreet yet intriguing appearance.

Dietary Needs

Monomorium subopacum is an opportunistic forager and exhibits a versatile dietary preference. In the wild, these ants primarily feed on food insects such as cockroaches and crickets. However, their nutritional requirements can also be fulfilled by offering a variety of food sources, including fruits, vegetables, and even syrup. Providing a diverse diet ensures the overall health and well-being of the colony.

Environmental Requirements

Creating the right environmental conditions is crucial for the success of Monomorium subopacum in captivity. Maintaining appropriate levels of humidity and temperature is essential for their overall health and productivity.

Monomorium subopacum thrives within specific humidity ranges. The arena, where the ants explore and forage, should have a humidity level of 30-50%. However, the nest, where they nest and rear their brood, requires higher humidity levels, ideally between 50-70%. Providing moist conditions within the nest helps ensure the proper development and growth of the colony.

These ants also have specific temperature requirements. The arena should be maintained at a temperature range of 24-30 °C, providing them with a warm and comfortable environment. The nest temperature should be slightly lower, ideally between 22-26 °C, to mimic their natural habitat.

Distinctive Features

What sets Monomorium subopacum apart is their remarkable aggressiveness and hunting abilities. As the colony develops and grows, their aggressiveness becomes more prominent, allowing them to defend their territory vigorously. When it comes to hunting, these ants showcase unparalleled skills, making them strategic and efficient predators. Their ability to locate and subdue prey sets them apart from other ant species, making them a fascinating addition to any ant-keeping hobbyist.

Recommended Nests for Breeding

To provide an ideal environment for breeding Monomorium subopacum, it is essential to select suitable nests that cater to their specific needs. The following nest materials have proven to be effective choices:

  • Acrylic: These nests provide a clear and transparent view of the colony, allowing for easy observation of their daily activities.
  • Cork: Cork nests offer a more natural and aesthetically pleasing environment for the ants, providing them with suitable spaces for nesting and tunneling.
  • Plaster: These nests ensure sufficient moisture retention and create a stable living environment for the colony.
  • Aerated concrete: These nests offer excellent insulation and provide a stable temperature gradient for the ants.

By selecting one of these recommended nests, you can create a comfortable and suitable habitat for the Monomorium subopacum colony, allowing it to thrive and flourish in captivity.

Monomorium subopacum, with its polygynous nature, impressive colony size, fast development speed, and notable hunting abilities, is undoubtedly an ant species that captures the attention of ant enthusiasts. By understanding their unique characteristics and providing them with the optimal environment, you can create a thriving and captivating ant colony that showcases the wonders of nature.

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