Myrmecia nigriceps

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Myrmecia nigriceps is a monogynous ant species with colony sizes of up to several hundred workers. They have a medium development rate and the queen measures 22-27 mm in size while the workers measure 17-25 mm. They have a black head and back with an orange body. Their diet includes food insects, fruit, and syrup. They prefer an arena humidity of 30-50% and a nest humidity of 50-70%.


Shipping and returns

We give a 100% guarantee for the delivery of a live queen and colony to the client. You can read more about guarantees on the Guarantees page.

Product care

The most important thing is that you read the temperature conditions, moisture and what to feed the ants. It is important not to introduce too small a colony into a large formicarium, much less just one queen. It’s good if the formicarium is divided by partitions and if the first chamber is very small (such as in our Comfort formicarium). We recommend reading more information about keeping ants in our blogs!

Product details

Difficulty in breeding



The size of ants



Myrmecia nigriceps – The Mighty Ants of Australia

Are you fascinated by the wonders of the insect world? Do you have a passion for keeping and observing ants? If so, let us introduce you to Myrmecia nigriceps, a remarkable species that is sure to amaze you. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of Myrmecia nigriceps, exploring its characteristics, behavior, and the ideal conditions for breeding these incredible creatures.

Colony Type and Size

Myrmecia nigriceps colonies exhibit a monogynous structure, meaning they are typically headed by a single queen. This queen can grow to an impressive size of 22-27 mm. The worker ants, on the other hand, range in size from 17-25 mm. These colonies can reach a population of several hundred workers, making for a bustling and dynamic community.

Development Rate

The development rate of Myrmecia nigriceps is considered to be medium, which means that you can witness the growth and expansion of your ant colony without excessive waiting. This allows for a fulfilling and engaging experience as you observe these fascinating creatures go about their daily tasks.


When it comes to coloration, Myrmecia nigriceps is strikingly beautiful. They exhibit a black head and back, contrasting with their vibrant orange bodies. This unique color combination makes them visually captivating and adds to the allure of keeping this ant species as part of your collection.


Proper nutrition is essential for the thriving of any ant colony, and Myrmecia nigriceps is no exception. These ants primarily feed on a variety of food insects such as cockroaches and crickets, which provide them with the necessary proteins. In addition, they also appreciate the occasional serving of fruit and syrup, offering a diverse diet that supports their overall health and vitality.

Preferred Habitat Conditions

In order to ensure the well-being of your Myrmecia nigriceps colony, it is crucial to create suitable habitat conditions that closely mimic their natural environment. Maintaining the right humidity and temperature levels is key to their comfort and overall success.

Humidity: The arena, where the ants are usually kept, should maintain a humidity level of 30-50%. This slightly lower range creates an environment that is not excessively dry, ensuring the ants stay hydrated and comfortable. On the other hand, the nest area should have a slightly higher humidity of 50-70% to provide a suitable nesting environment.

Temperature: For ideal conditions, the arena should maintain a temperature range of 21-30 °C. This range offers a comfortable climate where the ants can actively forage and thrive. The socket, where the nest is located, should have a slightly lower temperature range of 22-26 °C to mimic the cool underground environment where these ants typically construct their nests.

Special Features

Myrmecia nigriceps possesses several unique characteristics that set them apart from other ant species. Here are a few notable features:

  • Sting: These ants are equipped with a sting, adding to their formidable reputation. It’s important to exercise caution when handling them to avoid any potential stings.
  • Perfect Eyesight: Myrmecia nigriceps has exceptional eyesight, allowing them to navigate their surroundings and identify potential sources of food or threats with ease.
  • Jumping Ability: Unlike many other ants, Myrmecia nigriceps possesses the ability to jump. This unique adaptation enables them to cover greater distances quickly, enhancing their foraging abilities and survival in the wild.
  • Size: Myrmecia nigriceps is one of the largest Myrmecia species found along the Australian east coast. Their impressive size makes them an intriguing species to observe and study.

Recommended Nests for Breeding

When it comes to providing the perfect nesting environment for Myrmecia nigriceps, certain materials have proven to be more suitable than others. Gypsum and aerated concrete are two recommended nest options, offering the ideal combination of moisture retention and durability. These materials allow for proper burrowing and nest construction, ensuring your ants feel secure and comfortable in their new home.

Your journey into the world of Myrmecia nigriceps promises to be an exciting and rewarding one. By understanding the various aspects of colony type, size, development rate, appearance, nutrition, habitat conditions, special features, and recommended nests, you can create an optimal environment that promotes the growth, health, and fulfillment of your ant colony. Immerse yourself in this incredible ant species and embark on a truly captivating adventure.

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