Myrmecia tarsata

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Myrmecia tarsata is a black ant species with a monogynous colony type. The colony can have several hundred workers and has a medium development rate. The queen is 17-20mm in size while the workers are 15-18mm. They feed on food insects, fruit, and syrup. The ants require humidity levels of 30-50% in the arena and 50-70% in the nest.


Shipping and returns

We give a 100% guarantee for the delivery of a live queen and colony to the client. You can read more about guarantees on the Guarantees page.

Product care

The most important thing is that you read the temperature conditions, moisture and what to feed the ants. It is important not to introduce too small a colony into a large formicarium, much less just one queen. It’s good if the formicarium is divided by partitions and if the first chamber is very small (such as in our Comfort formicarium). We recommend reading more information about keeping ants in our blogs!

Product details

Difficulty in breeding



The size of ants



Myrmecia tarsata: The Mighty Jumper Ants

Welcome to the fascinating world of Myrmecia tarsata, also known as the Mighty Jumper Ants. This species of ant is found on the Australian east coast and is one of the largest in the Myrmecia family. Renowned for their impressive jumping abilities and fearsome stings, these ants are a remarkable addition to any ant enthusiast’s collection. Let’s dive deeper into the world of Myrmecia tarsata and learn more about their fascinating attributes and care requirements.

Colony Type and Size

Myrmecia tarsata colonies are monogynous, which means they have a single queen. However, don’t let that fool you into thinking these colonies are small. With colony sizes reaching up to several hundred workers, these jumper ants are a force to be reckoned with. Their organized hierarchy ensures efficient cooperation and success in their endeavors.

Development Rate

In terms of development rate, Myrmecia tarsata can be classified as medium. They progress through their life stages at a steady pace, ensuring a healthy and sustainable population growth within the colony. Patience is key when observing their growth and development.

Size and Color

The size of Myrmecia tarsata varies between castes. The queens measure an impressive 17 – 20mm in length, commanding the respect and admiration of all who observe them. Workers, on the other hand, are slightly smaller, ranging from 15-18 mm. In terms of coloration, these ants are predominantly black, adding to their striking and intimidating appearance.


When it comes to feeding Myrmecia tarsata ants, a varied diet is essential for their well-being. These ants thrive on a diet of food insects such as cockroaches and crickets, which provide them with the necessary proteins and nutrients. Additionally, they also appreciate the occasional fruit treat and syrup as a source of carbohydrates. Providing a balanced and nutritious diet ensures the longevity and vitality of these amazing creatures.

Humidity and Temperature

Creating the ideal habitat for Myrmecia tarsata requires careful attention to humidity and temperature levels. In the arena area, where these ants roam and forage, maintaining a humidity level of 30 – 50% is crucial. This can be achieved by providing a suitable water source and misting the area regularly. In the nest area, a slightly higher humidity level of 50 – 70% is preferred to mimic their natural environment. Temperature-wise, keeping the arena at 21-30°C and the nest at 22-26°C provides the optimal conditions for these ants to thrive.

Notable Features

Myrmecia tarsata possesses some remarkable features that make them stand out among other ant species. Firstly, they are equipped with a potent sting, which they use for defense and subduing prey. Their sting is not to be taken lightly and adds to their reputation as formidable ants. Secondly, these ants have perfect eyesight, allowing them to navigate their surroundings with ease and accuracy. Lastly, their ability to jump sets them apart from most other ant species. They can leap impressive distances, making them agile predators and fascinating creatures to observe.

Recommended Nests for Breeding

When it comes to providing suitable nests for breeding Myrmecia tarsata, materials such as gypsum and aerated concrete are highly recommended. These materials are durable, provide excellent insulation, and allow for easy monitoring of the colony’s activities. Creating a nesting environment that closely resembles their natural habitat contributes to the overall well-being and success of the colony.

In conclusion, Myrmecia tarsata, the Mighty Jumper Ants, are a captivating species with unique characteristics that make them a prized addition to any ant enthusiast’s collection. From their powerful sting to their remarkable jumping abilities, these ants never fail to mesmerize and awe. By providing them with a balanced diet, suitable humidity and temperature levels, and the right nesting materials, you can create an environment in which these ants can thrive and offer endless opportunities for observation and study. Welcome to the extraordinary world of Myrmecia tarsata!

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