Odontomachus bauri

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The Odontomachus bauri ant species is a polygynous colony with a size of up to 500 workers. They have a medium development speed and the queen and workers range from 10-12 mm and 10-11 mm in size respectively. The ants are brown in color with golden to reddish brown legs. Their diet consists of food insects and sweet fruit. They require a humidity level of 50-70% in both the arena and nest, and the temperature should be comfortable for their survival.


Shipping and returns

We give a 100% guarantee for the delivery of a live queen and colony to the client. You can read more about guarantees on the Guarantees page.

Product care

The most important thing is that you read the temperature conditions, moisture and what to feed the ants. It is important not to introduce too small a colony into a large formicarium, much less just one queen. It’s good if the formicarium is divided by partitions and if the first chamber is very small (such as in our Comfort formicarium). We recommend reading more information about keeping ants in our blogs!

Product details

Difficulty in breeding



The size of ants



Odontomachus bauri: Amazing Ants with Powerful Jaws

If you’re looking for an incredible ant species to keep, look no further than Odontomachus bauri. These fascinating ants are known for their polygynous colonies and impressive colony size, with populations reaching up to 500 individuals. With a medium development speed, Odontomachus bauri are a perfect choice for ant enthusiasts of all levels.

Size and Appearance

The queen of Odontomachus bauri measures between **10-12 mm** in length, making her an imposing figure. This powerful ant is accompanied by worker ants, which range in size from **10-11 mm**. The coloration of these ants is predominantly brown, with golden to reddish-brown legs. Their overall appearance is both elegant and awe-inspiring.

Diet and Nutrition

Odontomachus bauri have specific dietary requirements to thrive in captivity. They primarily feed on **food insects** such as cockroaches and crickets, which provide them with the necessary protein for growth and development. Additionally, these ants have a sweet tooth and enjoy consuming various sweet fruits as a source of energy. Providing a balanced diet is essential for their overall well-being.

Optimal Humidity and Temperature

Creating a suitable environment for Odontomachus bauri requires careful attention to humidity and temperature levels. The recommended humidity range for both the arena and nest is between **50-70%**. This ensures that the ants have the necessary moisture for their activities and helps regulate the overall humidity of the colony. Maintaining an arena temperature between **21-30°C** and nest temperature between **24-28°C** ensures that these ants thrive in a comfortable and ideal climate.

Special Features: Lightning-Fast Jaws and a Powerful Sting

One of the incredible features of Odontomachus bauri is their lightning-fast jaws, which can open up to 180 degrees. These jaws allow them to catch and secure their prey, preventing it from escaping. This evolutionary adaptation is a testament to their efficiency as skilled hunters. Additionally, these ants possess a sting, adding an extra layer of defense against potential threats.

Recommended Nests for Breeding

When it comes to providing a suitable nesting environment, Odontomachus bauri have specific preferences. They thrive in nests made of materials such as **acrylic**, **cork**, **gypsum**, and **aerated concrete**. These materials provide the necessary structure, insulation, and moisture retention for a healthy and flourishing colony of Odontomachus bauri. By providing the ideal nesting conditions, you can create a thriving and engaging habitat for these remarkable ants.

In Conclusion

Odontomachus bauri is an ant species that never fails to fascinate. With their polygynous colonies, impressive size, and lightning-fast jaws, these ants offer a captivating experience for ant enthusiasts. By providing them with the right diet, temperature, humidity, and nesting conditions, you can cultivate a thriving colony of Odontomachus bauri. Explore the exciting world of these powerful ants and witness their remarkable abilities firsthand. Check out our **ant category** for more ant species and products.

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