"Pheidole sinica ant: Durable, efficient, and hardworking."
Pheidole sinica  395.90 689.90
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Pheidole vulgaris  184.90 219.90

Pheidole tjibodana

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The concise summary of the full product description is:

“This product is a high-quality camera that captures stunning photos and videos with its advanced features. It is compact, portable, and easy to use, making it ideal for both professionals and amateurs. With its durable design and excellent image quality, it delivers exceptional results in various settings.”

 179.90 293.70

Shipping and returns

We give a 100% guarantee for the delivery of a live queen and colony to the client. You can read more about guarantees on the Guarantees page.

Product care

The most important thing is that you read the temperature conditions, moisture and what to feed the ants. It is important not to introduce too small a colony into a large formicarium, much less just one queen. It’s good if the formicarium is divided by partitions and if the first chamber is very small (such as in our Comfort formicarium). We recommend reading more information about keeping ants in our blogs!

Product details

Difficulty in breeding



The size of ants



Product Description: Pheidole tjibodana


The Pheidole tjibodana ants are a native ant species found in the forests of Indonesia. Highly regarded for their unique characteristics, these ants are popular among ant enthusiasts and collectors. In this product description, we will provide an in-depth overview of Pheidole tjibodana, including its physical features, behavior, and benefits of owning these ants.

Physical Features

The Pheidole tjibodana ants are medium-sized, with workers measuring between 2.5-3.5 millimeters in length. The workers have a reddish-brown coloration, with a distinctive thorax that features a pair of long, backward-pointing spines. These spines are a unique characteristic of Pheidole tjibodana and set them apart from other ant species.

The queen ants of Pheidole tjibodana are significantly larger than the workers, measuring between 5-7 millimeters in length. They have a similar reddish-brown coloration and also possess the distinguishing thoracic spines.


The Pheidole tjibodana ants are known for their highly efficient foraging abilities and well-structured division of labor within colonies. The workers are responsible for foraging, gathering food, and caring for the brood. They display a high level of cooperation and coordination, often forming organized trails as they search for food.

These ants are also equipped with formidable defense mechanisms. When threatened, the workers can release a strong pheromone trail that alerts other members of the colony to the presence of danger. They are capable of delivering a painful sting if provoked, serving as an effective deterrent to potential predators.

Another fascinating aspect of Pheidole tjibodana behavior is their unique system of soldier ants. These soldier ants have enlarged heads and mandibles, making them well-suited for defense and protection of the colony. Their role is to defend the nest and the workers from external threats.

Benefits of Owning Pheidole tjibodana

1. Fascinating Natural Behavior

One of the primary benefits of owning Pheidole tjibodana ants is the opportunity to observe their fascinating natural behavior. These ants are highly active and exhibit intricate social structures within their colonies. As an ant enthusiast, you can witness their cooperation, foraging trails, and even witness their defense mechanisms in action. Owning Pheidole tjibodana allows you to connect with the natural world and gain a deeper understanding of these complex creatures.

2. Educational Value

Pheidole tjibodana can be an excellent educational tool for people of all ages. Children can learn about ant behavior, social structures, and the importance of teamwork by observing these ants in action. Additionally, educators can incorporate Pheidole tjibodana ants into their classrooms to teach lessons on biology, entomology, and ecology. The hands-on experience of caring for and observing these ants can enhance the learning experience and make it more engaging.

3. Aesthetically Pleasing

Pheidole tjibodana ants are visually striking, with their reddish-brown coloration and unique thoracic spines. Their active nature and intricate movements make them an aesthetic addition to home and office spaces. Owning a colony of Pheidole tjibodana ants can serve as an intriguing conversation starter or a unique decorative piece.

4. Low Maintenance

Pheidole tjibodana ants are considered relatively low maintenance compared to other pet options. They require minimal space, making them suitable for small living environments. They feed primarily on a diet of sugar water and various protein sources, such as insects or specialized ant food. Regular monitoring of their food and water supply, along with periodic cleaning of their habitat, is all that’s needed to maintain a healthy and thriving Pheidole tjibodana colony.

5. Environmental Impact

Owning a colony of Pheidole tjibodana ants can have a positive environmental impact. These ants play an essential role in the ecosystem, contributing to soil aeration, nutrient cycling, and seed dispersal. By creating a controlled and sustainable habitat for these ants, you are actively participating in ecological conservation and promoting biodiversity.

6. A Growing Community

By owning Pheidole tjibodana ants, you become part of a vibrant and growing community of ant enthusiasts and collectors. There are various online forums, social media groups, and organizations dedicated to ant keeping. These platforms provide opportunities for knowledge sharing, exchanging experiences, and even trading or selling ants with fellow enthusiasts.


Pheidole tjibodana ants are a captivating species that offer numerous benefits to both ant enthusiasts and those interested in the natural world. Their unique physical features, intriguing behavior, and educational value make them an excellent choice for anyone seeking a low-maintenance and aesthetically pleasing pet. By owning Pheidole tjibodana, you not only get to observe the wonders of the ant world firsthand but also contribute to environmental conservation and become part of a passionate community of ant enthusiasts.

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