Pogonomyrmex bicolor

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Pogonomyrmex bicolor is a monogynous ant species with colony sizes of up to 10,000 individuals. They have a medium development rate and their queen measures 9-11 mm while workers measure 5-8 mm. They are red-brown in color and their diet consists of food insects and seeds. They require a humidity level of 40-60% in the arena and 50-60% in the nest.


Shipping and returns

We give a 100% guarantee for the delivery of a live queen and colony to the client. You can read more about guarantees on the Guarantees page.

Product care

The most important thing is that you read the temperature conditions, moisture and what to feed the ants. It is important not to introduce too small a colony into a large formicarium, much less just one queen. It’s good if the formicarium is divided by partitions and if the first chamber is very small (such as in our Comfort formicarium). We recommend reading more information about keeping ants in our blogs!

Product details

Difficulty in breeding



The size of ants



Introducing Pogonomyrmex bicolor: A Powerful and Fascinating Ant Species

If you’re a fan of ants and interested in adding a unique and formidable species to your collection, look no further than Pogonomyrmex bicolor. This monogynous ant species boasts an impressive colony size, moderate development rate, and other intriguing features that make it a fascinating addition to any ant enthusiast’s collection.

Size and Color

Pogonomyrmex bicolor showcases a range of red-brown hues, adding a pop of color to your ant colony collection. The queen measures between 9-11 mm, while the workers are slightly smaller at 5-8 mm in size. These ants may be smaller in comparison to other species, but their presence is definitely not to be underestimated.


When it comes to food preferences, Pogonomyrmex bicolor appreciates a varied diet. They thrive on a combination of food insects such as cockroaches and crickets, as well as seeds. Providing a diverse food selection ensures that **these ants** are kept happy and healthy.

Preferred Habitat

Pogonomyrmex bicolor requires a specific habitat to thrive. In terms of humidity, a range of 40-60% in the arena and 50-60% in the nest is recommended. Maintaining proper humidity is essential for their overall well-being and colony success.

These ants also have specific temperature requirements. The arena should be kept between 22-28 °C, while the nest should ideally remain at a temperature range of 22-26 °C. Keeping the habitat within these temperature ranges ensures optimal conditions for Pogonomyrmex bicolor to thrive and flourish.

Extraordinary Defense Mechanism

Pogonomyrmex bicolor stands out from other ant species due to its remarkable defense mechanism. Equipped with a powerful sting, **this ant’s** venom is considered to be among the most potent in the ant kingdom. Their ability to defend **themselves and their** colony is both fascinating and admirable.

Ideal Nesting Options

When it comes to selecting suitable nesting options for Pogonomyrmex bicolor, various materials can be utilized. Acrylic, cork, plaster, or aerated concrete nests are all viable options for providing a comfortable and suitable environment for **these ants**.

It’s crucial to maintain a humidity gradient within the nesting area, ensuring some chambers remain consistently dry. This mimicry of their natural habitat allows Pogonomyrmex bicolor to feel secure and thrive.

Why Choose Pogonomyrmex bicolor?

Adding Pogonomyrmex bicolor to your ant collection brings a host of benefits and unique qualities to your setup. These ants provide a visually appealing display with their red-brown coloration. Their moderate development rate allows you to observe their growth and behavior over time, adding an exciting element to your ant-keeping experience.

Furthermore, the remarkable defense mechanism of Pogonomyrmex bicolor makes them a captivating ant species to study. Witnessing their powerful sting in action showcases the amazing adaptations ants possess in their quest for survival.

The nutritional preferences of **these ants** offer you the opportunity to provide a varied diet for your colony. Watching them hunt and consume food insects such as cockroaches and crickets as well as feasting on seeds adds an additional layer of interest to their behavior and natural instincts.

Pogonomyrmex bicolor demands specific environmental conditions to thrive, making them an intriguing species to care for. Maintaining the humidity and temperature requirements ensures a healthy and robust colony that will bring joy and wonder to any ant enthusiast.

Choose Pogonomyrmex bicolor for an ant species that challenges and captivates you with its unique features, stunning coloration, and extraordinary defense mechanism. Unlock the wonderful world of **these ants** and witness their impressive abilities firsthand as you delve into the fascinating realm of ant keeping.

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