Pogonomyrmex rugosus

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Pogonomyrmex rugosus is a monogynous ant species with colony sizes of up to 10-15 thousand individuals. They have a medium development rate and their queen is 10-12mm in size while workers are 5-7mm. They have a dark brown color with a dark orange abdomen and feed on food insects and seeds. They prefer a humidity level of 40-60% in the arena and 50-60% in the nest.


Shipping and returns

We give a 100% guarantee for the delivery of a live queen and colony to the client. You can read more about guarantees on the Guarantees page.

Product care

The most important thing is that you read the temperature conditions, moisture and what to feed the ants. It is important not to introduce too small a colony into a large formicarium, much less just one queen. It’s good if the formicarium is divided by partitions and if the first chamber is very small (such as in our Comfort formicarium). We recommend reading more information about keeping ants in our blogs!

Product details

Difficulty in breeding



The size of ants



Pogonomyrmex rugosus: Mighty Desert Ants


Welcome to the world of Pogonomyrmex rugosus, commonly known as the Mighty Desert Ants. In this detailed product description, we will explore various aspects of these fascinating creatures, including their colony type, size, developmental rate, physical attributes, nutrition, and recommended habitats. Whether you are an ant enthusiast or simply curious about these industrious insects, read on to discover the wonders of Pogonomyrmex rugosus.

Colony Type and Size

Pogonomyrmex rugosus colonies are known for their monogynous nature, meaning they have a single queen per colony. These ant colonies can reach an impressive size of up to 10-15 thousand individuals. Imagine the intricate social structures and coordination within these bustling communities as they work together for the collective success of the colony.

Development Rate

The development rate of Pogonomyrmex rugosus can be described as medium. From eggs to fully matured ants, these fascinating creatures go through various stages of growth and development. Scientific studies have shown that these ants carefully nurture and protect their young until they reach adulthood. Witnessing this journey of growth is a captivating experience.

Size and Color

Pogonomyrmex rugosus exhibits a noticeable difference in size between the queen and workers. The queen ant measures around 10-12mm, while the workers are slightly smaller, ranging from 5-7mm in length. These ants boast a beautiful combination of colors, with a dark brown exoskeleton and a distinctive dark orange abdomen. Their unique appearance is a testament to the wonders of nature.


When it comes to nutrition, Pogonomyrmex rugosus is a diverse forager. Their diet primarily consists of food insects such as cockroaches and crickets. Additionally, they also rely on seeds as a vital source of sustenance. Witnessing their hunting and feeding behaviors provides a glimpse into their remarkable ability to adapt to their arid desert surroundings.

Humidity and Temperature

Pogonomyrmex rugosus requires specific environmental conditions to thrive. In terms of humidity, the ideal range for their arena is between 40-60%, while their nest should maintain a humidity level of 50-60%. When it comes to temperature, the ants prefer an arena temperature ranging from 24-29 °C, while the nest temperature should be maintained between 22-26 °C. Providing the appropriate climate is crucial for their well-being.

Feature of the Species

A notable feature of Pogonomyrmex rugosus is their powerful sting. According to the Schmidt Index, their sting is considered to be at level 3, making it one of the most potent among ant species. This natural defense mechanism ensures the survival and protection of the colony. Careful handling and observation are essential when interacting with these remarkable creatures.

Recommended Habitats

Creating suitable habitats for Pogonomyrmex rugosus is vital for their successful breeding and overall well-being. Recommended nest options include acrylic, cork, plaster, and aerated concrete. It is crucial to maintain a humidity gradient within the nest, ensuring that some chambers remain dry consistently. Providing these appropriate environments allows these desert ants to flourish in captivity.


Pogonomyrmex rugosus, the Mighty Desert Ants, are truly remarkable creatures that thrive in the arid deserts of their natural habitat. From their monogynous colony structure to their powerful sting, these ants demonstrate the power and adaptability of nature. By understanding their unique characteristics, nutrition, and habitat requirements, we can appreciate the wonders of their intricate and organized societies. Whether you are a seasoned ant enthusiast or a curious mind, exploring the world of Pogonomyrmex rugosus is sure to leave you in awe of these mighty desert ants.

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