How it’s working

  • Choose a product
Select the products you want to order and add them to your cart!
  • Basket
Go to the cart to check your order and enter your shipping details.
  • Payment

-Choose your delivery method.
-Choose your payment method.
-Pay for the order in your choosing method.

  • Receive your order

We ship the order as soon as possible!

Get it. Collect and enjoy with ant breeding!

  • Leave a nice review on the website and in our media!

dizajn bez nazvi How to buy?

How to buy in the “AntOnTop” online store

1) Select a product or several products.

2) Read the detailed information on this item.

3) If you like the product, add it to your cart.

4) If you have finished completing the basket, click on the “Basket” button.

5) In the shopping cart you will see exactly all your products and in what quantity.

6) Press the “Order” button.

7) Enter the shipping details and select the form of delivery and payment.

8) Confirm the selected options by clicking the “order” button.

9) Next you will be redirected to the payment page.

10) You will also receive an order confirmation by e-mail with your order.

And as always, we remind you that if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us! we will always help!