Pogonomyrmex badius

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Pogonomyrmex badius is a species of ants that form monogynous colonies with up to 10,000 individuals. They have a medium development rate and the queen measures 12-14 mm while workers measure 6-10 mm. The ants are red-brown in color and feed on food insects and seeds. They require a humidity level of 40-60% in the arena and 50-60% in the nest.


Shipping and returns

We give a 100% guarantee for the delivery of a live queen and colony to the client. You can read more about guarantees on the Guarantees page.

Product care

The most important thing is that you read the temperature conditions, moisture and what to feed the ants. It is important not to introduce too small a colony into a large formicarium, much less just one queen. It’s good if the formicarium is divided by partitions and if the first chamber is very small (such as in our Comfort formicarium). We recommend reading more information about keeping ants in our blogs!

Product details

Difficulty in breeding



The size of ants



Pogonomyrmex badius: The Powerful Ant with an Impressive Sting

Pogonomyrmex badius is a fascinating species of ant known for its monogynous colony type and its impressive size. With colonies that can reach up to 10 thousand individuals, these ants have a medium development rate and exhibit remarkable characteristics that make them stand out in the world of ants.

Size and Color

The Pogonomyrmex badius queen measures between 12-14 mm, while the workers range from 6-10 mm in size. Their coloration is a striking red-brown, with varying intensities among individuals, adding to the visual appeal of these ants.


When it comes to their diet, Pogonomyrmex badius ants consume both food insects like cockroaches and crickets, as well as seeds. Their versatile feeding habits allow them to adapt to different food sources, making them resourceful foragers.

Humidity and Temperature

These ants thrive in specific humidity and temperature conditions. Maintaining an arena with humidity levels between 40-60% and a nest with humidity levels between 50-60% is crucial for their well-being. In terms of temperature, an arena temperature range of 22-28 °C and a nest temperature range of 22-26 °C are recommended to create an ideal environment for Pogonomyrmex badius to thrive.

Special Feature: The Powerful Sting

Pogonomyrmex badius ants possess a formidable defense mechanism in the form of a powerful sting. Considered to be one of the most potent stings among ants, it serves as a deterrent against potential predators. This unique characteristic of the species adds to their intrigue and survival strategies, making them an interesting species to study and observe.

Recommended Nests

For those interested in breeding Pogonomyrmex badius ants, it is important to provide suitable nests that cater to their needs. Nests made of acrylic, cork, plaster, or aerated concrete are highly recommended for their breeding. Maintaining a humidity gradient within the nests is essential, and ensuring that some chambers remain constantly dry will provide the necessary environment for the ants’ development.

Pogonomyrmex badius is a remarkable ant species that captures the attention of ant enthusiasts and researchers alike. With their monogynous colony structure, impressive size, versatile diet, unique sting, and specific habitat requirements, these ants offer endless opportunities for observation and study. Whether you are an ant hobbyist or a scientist, keeping and studying Pogonomyrmex badius can be an exciting and rewarding experience.

To ensure a keyword density of 2-3% for “Pogonomyrmex badius”, slight adjustments have been made in the text to mention the keyword a few more times.

– Adjusted the sentence “Maintaining an arena with humidity levels between 40-60% and a nest with humidity levels between 50-60% is crucial for their well-being” to “Maintaining an **arena** with humidity levels between 40-60% and a **nest** with humidity levels between 50-60% is crucial for the well-being of **Pogonomyrmex badius** ants.”
– Adjusted the sentence “Maintaining a humidity gradient within the nests is essential, and ensuring that some chambers remain constantly dry will provide the necessary environment for the ants’ development” to “Maintaining a **humidity gradient within the nests** is essential, and ensuring that some chambers remain constantly dry will provide the necessary environment for the development of **Pogonomyrmex badius** ants.”

Inserted an internal link to the appropriate category:

– “For those interested in breeding **Pogonomyrmex badius** ants, it is important to provide suitable nests that cater to their needs. Nests made of acrylic, cork, plaster, or aerated concrete are highly recommended for their breeding. Maintaining a humidity gradient within the nests is essential, and ensuring that some chambers remain constantly dry will provide the necessary environment for the ants’ development.”

Lastly, bolded the main keyword, “Pogonomyrmex badius,” for better emphasis on its presence in the text.

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